Technical details

We've made it possible to live stream 360°VR video to smartphones and GearVR (*1) / Oculus-Rift (*2) headmount displays in addition to PCs. The system is suited to a range of diverse 360°needs, such as high-quality panoramic live streaming using a dedicated 4K high resolution camera. Furthermore, it’s also possible to synthesize ordinary broadcast waves to stream together within the 360°panoramic video.
(*1) GearVR is a registered trademark of the Samsung Japan Corporation.
(*2) Oculus-Rift is a registered trademark of Oculus VR LLC.

idoga VR

 Exhibition content

・A display of the HD 360°live streaming solution connecting five SONY α7 (*3) units.
・High resolution 360°filming
・A panel display showing the 8K-equivalent 360°high resolution streaming solution (super panoramic engine) (*4)
(*3) SONY α7 is a registered trademark of the SONY Corporation
(*4) The super panoramic engine is a high definition VR media player developed in conjunction with NTT-AT based on research by the NTT Media Intelligence Laboratories.