• Outline
  • Symposiums/Seminar/Stage
  • Exhibits


Innovative Technologies

This new project for 2012 is to give awards to such technologies as expected to contribute a lot to the growth of content industry. This is to publicly select those innovative technologies which are capable of being applied to other industries and leading the development of new markets, based on the scenario of technological development stated in the "Technological Strategy Map 2012 (Content Field)," compiled by METI and to have those technologies exhibited and demonstrated to the public attending DC EXPO.

Keynote Programs

Keynote Programs this year include an stage event to introduce those latest technologies which were awarded at the 2012 METI project "Innovative Technologies"; a symposium on the direction of content-related technological development stated in METI's "Technological Strategy Map 2012 (Content Field)"; and other symposiums to offer deep insights in various fields of content by specialists and knowledgeable people who have excellent skills and experience in those fields; etc. all of which are meant to enhance the theme of DC EXPO, "Bridging the Digital Innovation and Business."

International Partner Programs

These are programs for overseas content-related companies, content technology-related companies and content industry associations to exhibit and demonstrate the latest technology in content field and introduce the current trends in the industry, intended to serve as useful information for those Japanese content industry people trying to develop business overseas.

Participation Programs

These will be the programs where researchers, creators and businesses consider from their own view points the possibility of cutting-edge technologies which were gathered globally and present a vision of innovation to the society. Participating companies and organizations introduce their cutting-edge technologies in their symposiums, seminars and on stage as well as at their booths.

International 3D Society – Japan Committee (I3DS-J)

International 3D Society (I3DS) was established in the U.S. in 2009. It now has a membership of over 400 companies and organizations which are involved in the art and technology of producing 3D content. The society is actively engaged in various activities including education through the 3D University and the organizing of the Lumiere Award program for 3D content and technology.
Japan Committee of International 3D Society (I3DS Japan Committee/I3DS-J) which belongs to the society's Asia Committee as well as Korea and China Committees is an industry organization established in 2011 for the purpose of contributing to the steady spread and growth of stereoscopic 3D technology and content in Japan. Member companies are conducting educational, awareness-raising, and awarding activities to achieve the purpose, utilizing the connections I3DS has with Hollywood.
At DC EXPO 2012, digest versions of those works will be continuously screened as 3D which were awarded at International 3D Awards 2012 Lumiere Japan, a program aiming at spread and further quality improvement of quality 3D content.

Asiagraph CG Art Gallery

Asiagraph has been opening its CG Art Gallery for eight years at Japanese domestic and overseas events as a showcase for excellent works to promote new creative values and industry in Asia through international exchange of people and works. At DC EXPO 2012, excellent invited and publicly selected works from China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Vietnam, etc. will be exhibited. Public Selection Division of Asiapraph CG Gallery was started in 2007 with an intention to exhibit free and non-conventional CG works as well by gathering submissions from all the Asian regions. At this 6th round of the Gallery, more than 600 submissions were received from 14 countries/areas. For the Public Selection Division II which is for animation, the selection is conducted by 14 juries from 10 countries/areas. Each of the selected works that passed a fair and stringent evaluation process reflects the values and interest of each country/area and the selected works as a whole can be regarded as an index showing the level of Asian visual expression.


IVRC, International Collegiate Virtual Reality Contest is a competition for interactive works which use such cutting-edge technology as virtual reality and robotics. IVRC has been held since 1993 and introduced a lot of works in the past which are unique, easy-to-understand or sometimes trespassing the boundary of virtual reality.
Though we tend to think that virtual reality or robotics is something possible to be realized only by using special and expensive equipment, a lot of things can be done with handmade equipment actually. The purpose of this competition is to help participating students gain a deeper understanding of interactive technology or feel closer to the technology through their planning of systems, handcrafting devices and brushing up their content.
IVRC takes a form of competition but it is also a trial for government, business and academia as a team to create a 21st-century educational system meant to nurture excellent human resources which can think, learn and act for themselves. IVRS's achievement is highly evaluated internationally as at SIGGRAPH, the highest-level exhibition of VR technology and Ars Electronica, an exhibition of VR art works, etc.